Easter Sunday( 3.31.13 ) is just ten days away. We’ve got a great another great Sunday planned. We get to celebrate the tomb being empty, and our Savior Jesus being Alive! What makes the day even better is that it is an EASY opportunity to invite your friends and family to actionchurch.
You know the ones I’m talking about. The friends and family members that don’t have a church, and you KNOW would really love actionchurch if you could just get past the awkward conversation of inviting them. Here’s the thing. Easter is a super easy time to invite people to church. In fact, people EXPECT to be invited to church at Easter. All you need to to is ask this one simple question.
“What are you doing for Easter?”
It’s that simple. If they don’t have attending a church in their answer, invite them to actionchurch. They’ll probably even say yes, but you and I just have 10 more days to ask the question. Pick up an invite card on Sunday, and let’s fill the theater with our friends and family members we’ve been meaning to invite (but just didn’t know how to ask) this Easter Sunday!