As part of the actiongroups launch, we decided to get some people to host “watching” parties for our last “At the Movies” series film: The Hunger Games!
There are two “watching” parties that are open to anyone from actionchurch who wants to see The Hunger Games. If you are interested in attending one of these parties, please RSVP to with which party you want to attend and how many people you are bringing. We will reply back with the address and phone number of the host so that you can get there!
Friday at 7:00 p.m.
You must be 16 or older, and not have a cat allergy.
(Location is in West York/York New Salem)
hosted by Marian Knopp and Kate Whitecomb
Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
Kids are welcome since Rosa has a “mini Toys-R-Us” in her room!
(Location is close to actionchurch, right up the hill)
hosted by Rick and Nettie Bull (and Rosa!)