- It's frantic, it's color coded, it's amazing! actionchurch load out. #
- Woke up to a smurf village update featuring a new island. Planning on colonizing it with work camps. :-) http://t.co/GfTE6uzN #
- Looking forward to giving these away as ticket number door prizes tomorrow night. (that's a $50 theater gift card…) http://t.co/qVDM8lUq #
- Here's all the things you'll need to know if you're planning on joining us tonight for our 4th birthday bash:
- Looking forward to some yummy cake from @yourhappybaker tonight at the actionchurch birthday party. :-). #yum #
- Taking off early so that I can get my hair "did" in those princess leia cinnamon bun thingies. :-) #
- Yep. That's a death star cake! By @yourhappybaker http://t.co/2PdoxLUB #
- Thanks @FRANKTHEATRES for a great birthday party. Watching Star wars with two theaters full of my actionchurch friends!! #
- When painting: more light=more defects seen and repaired=a better paint-job.
I'm pretty sure that's why God calls his words the "light". #
- Trying out the new cheddars cafe as a public service to everyone. Cookie in a skillet here I come… :-) #
- Here's a preview of what's happening this Sunday morning at actionchurch:
- I think actionchurch is the only church I've ever looked forward to serving at on "Daytona 500 Sunday". :-) #
- Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn't really know very much. But the person who loves God is the on… http://t.co/Rx0XNxEk #
- But God made the earth by his power,
and he preserves it by his wisdom.
With his own understanding
he stretche… http://t.co/W0M6Lp4O # - Was greeted in the truck this morning by a Goodyear racing hat signed by Dale Sr.!!! Thanks @XbillsnyderX. #daytona http://t.co/By2wGMjg #