Every January at actionchurch, we attempt to start with a series of sermons that prepare us all for the coming year. In 2011, we began the year with a study of the wisdom of the Proverbs. One year later, I’m still utilizing some of the principles learned from that series…and I hear the same from others who were part of that series. This year we will be starting with a series that I honestly believe contains the answer to about 99% of the difficult situations we face in our life. (The other 1% are problems caused by our home wi-fi networks…and even the Bible can’t fix a balky router :-) )
Make plans to be part of the actionchurch service on Sunday…and invite a friend or family member to join you. We’re looking forward to some great music from The Go Around, and your kids will love to be back in actionkidz on Sunday morning.
It all starts at 10:30 am at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions). Come early to enjoy a Coffee, Maple Donuts, bagels, and Muffins with your actionchurch friends.