Christmas is a bittersweet time for so many folks. There is no doubt that the words of scripture are true. “It is better to Give than Receive”. There is nothing more personally rewarding than sacrificing personally to show your love for someone else. Christmas is also the most stressful, Oh-dear-Lord-I-Think-my-Visa-Might-be-maxed-Please-don’t-even-ask, overwhelming season that comes around.
This year we are giving everyone at actionchurch a chance to share with others by giving. Whether you have been financially blessed this year, or are currently looking for work, there is something you can give this year. We don’t want ANYONE to miss the great blessing that comes from giving.
There are three giving opportunities available for the next two Sundays in December. (12th, 19th)
Far- You can give a gift to those far away from actionchurch by purchasing items from the Worldvision Gift Catalog. Just Drop a check or cash in the “Far” box, or select a Worldvision item on the Debit/credit screen on the Ipad at the info table on Sunday morning. As little as $5 will impact someone far away from actionchurch.
Near- There are families near to our church that our struggling this Christmas. One family in particular is dealing with terminal cancer this season. We are gathering cash and Gift cards to bless them this Christmas. Next week you can also bring the gift of baked Cookies to be distributed to the residents of Manor-Care South. Love to Bake? Love to Decorate? Bring Cookies Sunday. (Bonus for bringing Sugar Free cookies for Diabetic Residents.) Want to help those near our church? Just drop cash or Gift cards in our “near” box…or bake up a yummy batch of Christmas Cookies.
Here: We are so blessed as a church to have been able to find such a great new venue at Frank Theaters. Because of the move, many more people will be able to find actionchurch…and hear about the great news of Jesus this coming year. If you would like to donate for the remaining equipment we need to purchase for Sunday mornings, Just drop your donations in the “Here” box on Sunday Mornings….or the Donate button on this blog.
Whether it’s a gift for those Far, Near, or right Here, everyone can give to others this year at actionchurch.
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