Names for Sunday:

Sunday we’ll remembering those in our own actionchurch family affected by Cancer.  We’ll remember those who have passed on,  Pray for those who fight on, and give thanks with those who have won their battle with cancer.  Here are the names that were written down on Sunday. 

   Relay for life (June 18-19) is much more than a “nice charitable event”…it’s a way families remember, support, and honor family members and friends who struggle with the disease by serving others.   If you have a friend or family member suffering with cancer,  you are not alone.

In Support of:

Jimmy  Clark     Susan Smith    Julia Kauffman   Maggie Carr

In Honor of: 

Chuck Schaller   Jimmy Stephan   Gretchen File   

Christine Straubel    Tammy Raab     Sammy Blakemore   

Elaine Krout    Lulu     Paul Brubaker    Jason Gish

In Memory Of:

Dan Resser    Sharon Buoehl    Margue  Rite   Della Stump  

  Sharon Buehl    Judy Krapf     Adelle Kornfeld   Jim Bailey  

 Wendy Gangwer    Issac Smith    William Marsh   Steve Royer 

Rete Stough   Geraldine Fife    Grandma and Grandpa B.  

Joan Grean    “Newt” Snyder    Baron Snyder    Wayne Robinson  

Donna Waters    Johnny Podkul     Mary Podkul    Virginia Wiles   

Beverly Kendig   Joseph “Skip” Youcheff    Dick Kenney

Norman Swanson   

You can add you can add your names in the comments or by emailing  

3 thoughts on “Names for Sunday:

  1. I think that it is a blessing that we have so very many “in Honor of’s” ”

    I read this on my Dove dark chocolate candy wrapper today…..”Here’s to something more powerful than chocolate …. HOPE.”

  2. The name above is my Mother, she passed away April 3, 2009 from Lung cancer~ it had metasticized to her bones and her skull. My name is Melissa~ thank you so very much!

  3. So sorry for your loss, Melissa. We’ll definitely be remembering your family on Sunday.