Sunday Recap: Inlaws in the hood…

This Sunday at actionchurch we talked about what God wants our relationships with family members of different faiths/religions to be like.  Differences in faith can be a MAJOR obstacle to good relationships in families, so I’m really glad for the story of Moses and his father-in-law Jethro to serve as a guide. 

 In Exodus 18, after hearing the stories of how God had rescued the people of Israel Jethro said (v 11) “I know now that the Lord is greater than all other gods…” , even though he (Jethro) was a priest of another religion!  That is definitely the kind of “conversion conversation” many of us have dreamed of having with our relatives of other faiths.  The question is, what brought it about…  Did Moses “impress” his father-in-law so much with his story of miracles that his father “converted” to the God of Israel?  Did Moses “argue” or “witness” his Jethro into a faith in God?  I’m Glad that scripture tells the story of Moses

Showing Love and Respect (Yeah…they kissed.  YMMV)

Listening  (he “asked about his welfare”)

Sharing about his life in transparent way…the Miracles…the Hardships…and How God had been with him through it all! 

8 Moses told his father-in-law everything the Lord had done to Pharaoh and Egypt on behalf of Israel. He also told about all the hardships they had experienced along the way and how the Lord had rescued his people from all their troubles. Exodus 18:8

We do NOT have to do the miracles of Moses to see our family members come to know “Moses’ God”.   We do need to love our family members, care about their welfare,  and share our lives with God in a transparent and “real’ way!

A few thoughts about Sunday:

We are definitely pushing the limits of the Club 19 venue.  We are at “max capacity” in the kidz area…and soon will be in the main service as well.

We need more volunteers to help us share the love of Jesus…and a Great Morning…with Babies, Toddlerz, and kidz!

In many ways our whole “system’ as a church is (happily) reaching “max capacity”.   Please pray for us as we expand and overhaul over the Summer.  

I am really excited about the possibilities for the future of actionchurch…but I  definitely get the feeling this is not going to be a “summer vacation” this year.  We are going to have a LOT of fun…but we are in for a time of serious expansion and change.

On that note, thanks so much for all of the great Crew Members…thanks for putting up with the lightning pace that it takes to make actionchurch happen each week.  Thanks for your patience with me.  (Man I am really a bit overwhelmed right now and I think I forgot about 10 things that I should have had covered Sunday…) Thanks for doing so much…with so little.  Your efforts are making a difference that will someday be impossible to overlook… 

Enjoyed hearing The pledge’s new material on Sunday.  Looking forward to their 315 management brothers “Failure to Excel”  next Sunday.

Next week is the final week of the “Shoot your Family”  Free family portrait Shoot.  Invite your friends, family, inlaws…and outlaws.

Check out the family photos here courtesy of Photo Ninja Garrett Snyder.  There are some seriously great…and hilarious shots.

Best for last:   We are almost at $1000 mark in our Sponsorship for the Survivior Dinner at Relay for life!  That’s 200 folks that will be able to celebrate another year in their fight against cancer!  Thank you so much for your generosity…Dinner for 600 is absolutely going to happen!

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