Sunday Recap: Really God!?! pt. 2.

Thru-meSo…Sunday we tackled part two of the Really God!?! series.  We talked about all sorts of “comfortable” stuff like Faith healing, being angry with God, and of course the similarity between “adult Sunday school” and bowling leagues.  The Story of Naaman (2 Kings 5)is an interesting look at what can happen when what God says to do doesn’t make sense (at least to us).  Naaman nearly missed out on being healed of leprosy because he thought it was ridiculous that the prophet asked him to go dip seven times in the Jordan river.  He was prepared to give millions of dollars…but a little dip in the river seemed insulting and “beneath him”.  Many times we still react the same way today. God doesn’t need our stuff, our talents, or our position…he want’s our humble obedience.   The difference between “walking away in anger” and KNOWING beyond a any doubt that there is a God is usually a small obedience…a small “leap of faith”.

Yeah…I know you want to watch the “healing video” from the service.  It’s here.  If you’re a good religious person you will NOT find it amusing.  You have been warned :-) 

Thru Me on stage today. Pictured above in Garrett’s most “metal” picture ever taken.  We hired bands originally because we didn’t have enough musicians in the church to make up a band…It’s amazing how many bands now call actionchurch home.  I really liked their original “Crazy”.  It pretty much sums up how I feel about following Jesus.  

I will not back down,    I may stumble- won’t retreat,  

 Take the cross he carried.    

No I’m not ashamed.   No I’m not ashamed.   You can call me Crazy.

For more of Garrett’s “action” shots check out his actionchurch Flickr Site.  You can follow along each week …even make Josiahyour computer wallpaper if you’d like.

Speaking of Josiah…how great do the cards for the coat drive look?  This is one event where you can feel good about asking your friends who don’t attend actionchurch to Get involved.  Our young neighbors in York City need coats…and we can all do something about it.  I’ll post later this week some ways that we can get even more people involved….BUT…


On Kick-0ff weekend…after just mentioning the need last week…you all brought in 25 coats!  We’re dropping it off this week so 25 kids will have new coats THIS WEEK!  Keep it up.  We also purchase 100 pairs of Gloves for teachers to hand out to students.  Thank you all so much…this is what BEING the church is all about.

Great to have our “master of chair-imony” Dave, back from Texas.  The tables and chairs never looked so straight :-)

Thanks to everyone who invites their friends, get involved, and invest their cash in all of the “reindeer games” of actionchurch!  You make it happen each week.


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