For Who…err Whom?


One of the big questions that has to be answered in the process of locating and preparing a new venue for actionchurch is “Who are we preparing for?”   Actually I think proper English might be “For whom are we preparing?” but that looks weird to me somehow.  

The question is an important one though.   Who are we preparing for?  Who are we planning to accommodate?  What will they need?  Should we put our resources and effort into preparing for the people who already attend actionchurch?  (Maybe a nice lazy boy recliner for Garrett so he can relax after he puts the band on stage :-) …or a chair with extra leg room for Steve since he’s tall…maybe a “pie bar”  for a certain crew member who really-really likes pie?  Or, Should we instead actually focus on preparing for those who do not currently even know actionchurch exists?  Who’s needs will we focus on?

And the answer is…  OTHERS!   We will prepare our new venue for people who don’t currently attend actionchurch.  (although a pie-bar would be sweet…just saying).  I am so proud that our crew and crowd are talking about a new place with the ability to accommodate families with small children that we cannot provide a place for in our current venue.  We are praying and searching for a place that is even more accessible to folks who don’t currently have a clue that Club 19 on Duke St. even exists.   We want to provide more chairs for folks who wouldn’t otherwise consider being in church on Sunday morning.

Where will our next venue be?  Not sure yet.  How will we “get there”?  I have some “ideas”…but certainly not a blueprint by any means.      Who will it be “for”?   Others…that I am 100% sure of.   “Others” are the focus of actionchurch.

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