Sunday Recap: "Mindset" pt 4

Today was the final week of the “Mindset” series. I talked about how the only way to truly be free of worry is to give up trying to “control” our future…and trust God to have our best interests at hard. Simple…but very difficult to do….

The Highlights:
  • The Sunday after Thanksgiving is “traditionally” known for being low in attendance…we are not a traditional church… great crowd today.
  • I loved hanging out with the “crew” for dinner… we truly have the BEST people who give their time and talents to make actionchurch happen… I am beyond grateful.
  • I wore an argyle sweater…get over it :-)
  • “Don’t worry, be happy” is the most annoying video bumper we have ever used…
  • We used a clip from “It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia”… I was offended :-) Thanks Rachel.
  • People keep saying that they can see when Josiah sends me and IM on my monitor…I’m sure you are all mistaken.
  • We only have ONE item left that is not spoken for for our Extreme Christmas Makeover! Thanks to everyone who is purchasing stuff for “our” family. Thanks to all of you who are donating cash to cover the stuff we purchased as a church! We are actually putting ornaments that the actionkidz made on the tree next week because it is Bare!
  • Great complement today….”I thought this would be lame…but I kinda liked it!” That’s why we do actionchurch.
  • Letters for Lovers on Stage…I heard a lot of positive reviews of their performance…especially from the “ladies” I don’t think we have ever had so many teenage girls at actionchurch.
  • I used the word “neckid” way too many times today…
  • I used the word “pissed” in telling the story of creation…what can I say…it was one of those days…I guess you had to be there.
  • Had a great time hanging out with Mike and Naomi Silliman from Elk Creek Church…we are blessed to have them as friends…

I cannot wait till next week…we’re kicking off the At the Movies (Christmas Edition) series…and the pledge is back on stage.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Recap: "Mindset" pt 4

  1. Don,

    We had a great time with the action church crew! We had a great time hanging out with you and Michelle. Thanks for having us over!
