Simple answers are hard to find…

One of the most frequent questions people have is “What does God want me to do with my life?” I’ve been working all week trying to come up with a “simple” answer from scripture…

I can see why both those inside and “outside” of our faith are confused about what it is to be a “Christian”. We tend to talk about being a follower of Jesus in may facets: from the “mechanics” of being forgiven, to our various ideas of christian “lifestyle”, to various ways of “serving God”. When you add the political and religious aspects that have crept into Christianity it all gets very muddled and confusing.

The Big question is what is it to be a “Christian”?… What does God want from us as followers of Jesus?… Simple answers are simply the hardest to find…

2 thoughts on “Simple answers are hard to find…

  1. Hi Don,

    I think what God wants from us is summed up as loving Him and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The problem is carrying this through.

    There are lots of unlovable things about my neighbor, and even more unlovable things about myself.

    Another scriptural command is to live simply and walk humbly with God. Yet our lives are anything but simple, and most of us (including me) would rather take a beating than be humble, particularly in an era of “my rights” and “my sensitivities”

    In short, I think the hard part is actually doing the things we’re called on to do. It’s like losing weight: eat less and exercise. The formula is pretty basic, but carrying it out is tough in the face of Maple Donuts, McDonald’s, KFC and so on

    Nice post, very thought provoking


  2. Well said…I love the “weight loss” analogy. (not such a big fan of losing weight…but the analogy rocks!) There are no short magic pills..