Kitchen Nightmares

We watched the new Chef Gordon Ramsay show Kitchen Nightmares last night and I am definitely adding it to our Tivo “season pass” list. I really liked it. I am not a “fine dining” guy (I “heart” Cracker Barrel and Olive Garden) but I love to watch the Chef at work.

The show reminds me of a mix of Extreme Home Makeover (If Ty cursed and screamed at the people before building them a new house) and Super Nanny (because of the British accent and the behavior of the “makeover subjects”).

However you package it I am a “sucker” for any show where ordinary people submit their lives to an “expert” and their lives are forever improved…it reminds me of what Jesus does in lives everyday…minus the “bleeped” out language.

Like sheep?

One of the first Bible verses I learned as a kid in Sunday School was “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to their way. Is. 53:6a There are lots of references to God’s people as “sheep” in the bible. Jesus told the stories of the the Good Shepherd, the 99 sheep, and even told Peter to “feed his sheep” before he ascended to heaven.

In spite of all the “sheep imagery” in the Bible we don’t often talk about followers of Jesus using those terms. Except for a few lame “preacher jokes” about “Christians being called sheep because they are dumb animals”, Churches generally talk about following Christ in terms of our human experience. We talk about “baby” Christians needing “milk”. So many people proudly proclaim, even after years of attending church, that “they just want to be fed”. I think this thinking colors much of what Churches do today . Since we think of new followers of Jesus as “babies” we allow for many years of “education”, “training” or “discipling” before someone is considered a “mature” christian. Many of our “teaching programs” actually encourage dependence instead of independence. It is even a popular sentiment among pastors to say that we need to “balance” evangelism and “discipling” because we certainly can’t have more “baby Christians” in the Church than we can properly care for…. I think I’ve heard that argument before…it was just from a very different “crowd”, and the implications make me very angry.

What if we were more like sheep? What if after three months of “eating at mom’s diner” we were able to feed and forage for ourselves. What if we went to the Good Shepherd to be led not fed? What if within a year of our “birth” as followers of Jesus we were considered “mature” because we could produce new baby sheep? What if within a year of our birth we were actually productive members of our community sacrificially providing warmth and sustenance for others? (…as the old joke goes, for the sheep- wool is a contribution,and mutton is a sacrifice.) How fast would our “sheep herds” grow? How much of an impact on our “fields” would we make? Would our “professional shepherds” have to “lead sheep” instead of trying to “educate sheep”? What if we as sheep could form large “herds” and follow the Good Shepherd instead of “going our own way”? Could a movement of “sheep” really change the world?

I think so. Jesus thought so… It’s happening in other cities in America… I think it’s going to happen here..real soon. But then again, I’m just a “sheep”.

Launch Team

We will begin weekly Launch team meetings on October 14th -November 4th(Sunday nights 6-8pm). I know “Launch Team” isn’t a phrase you hear every day so I thought I’d try to make sure everyone understands what it is (and is not)

the Launch Team is: People who are absolutely convinced that actionchurch should “happen” in York County and are willing to put their time, talents, and resources behind the idea. People willing to get their hands dirty. A limited commitment-the team will meet and work together from October 14th until our launch date in February (2.10.08). People who don’t plan to show up at actionchurch Sunday morning…they want to be the people who are there to welcome others when they show up. People who want to be part of the revolution. Launch team members are the history makers and innovators of our county who have been waiting for an opportunity to change the way York thinks about Church (and by extension) Jesus. (No previous “church” experience needed)

a Launch Team meeting is: A time to get to know others on the team. A time to eat desert. A time to hear first hand what a “typical” service at actionchurch will “look like”. A time to ask questions. A time to use your particular talents and background to help solve problems.

the Launch Team is not: A “planning” “steering” (or any other kind of) Committee. A Launch Team is closer to a SWAT team than a committee. We will not meet to discuss “if” we should move forward…rather how we should overcome obstacles and move forward.

‘Sound like you? Ready to be part of the action? Ready to help start a Church in a Nightclub? Ready to help “make Jesus famous” in York County? Contact me at


I think a lot of the difficulty “christians” have in connecting with our communities is that we are so often doing things “backwards“. Gods plan (laid out in scripture) is that we would love our communities as much as we love ourselves, and he would (through his spirit)point out sinful behavior and “Judge” people. I personally find it much easier to judge people and point out their sinful behavior and then leave it “up to Jesus” to love them (because frankly “they” get on my nerves.) Unfortunately, we are never going to change the world as long as we have the whole process Jesus left us with “backwards”.

Jesus demonstrated this when he picked “rough” and “sinful” commercial fishermen (think Deadliest Catch) to be his disciples. Interestingly enough, he did not send them off for a nice haircut and four years of seminary-instead he just said “follow me”. Does that mean we can’t be discerning? Nope… That’s why we will have background checks for workers in our actionkidz areas. It just means that our primary activity is not to “judge” people and “let them know what their problems are”…truthfully, they probably already know. Our job is to “woo them” through our loving actions into the presence of Jesus.

7 But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another. Psalm 75:7 Niv

Damn the Torpedoes, Go Ahead.

It was a year ago next week that this whole journey and dream of actionchurch began. I’ll post more about that next week, but coupled with being our final day out at the York Fair it really makes me pause and reflect a bit this Sunday morning. To tell you the truth, I’m a bit surprised at how I feel this morning.

  • Michele and I are both actually sad to see our time at the fair come to a close…I really thought we would be “celebrating” that the ten days were coming to a close…we are very tired but we have met so many great people that we hate to see it end.
  • I am more hopeful and excited about God’s plan for York County then I have ever been in my life…this time last year I was discouraged, tired, and honestly losing hope in the ability of the local church to actually impact the community (in a good way at least!)
  • I feel ready to fight! The reason for the picture of the “civil war dude” Rear Admiral David G. Farragut is that he was the originator of the famous quote “Damn the Torpedoes”. When everyone thought it was too risky to move forward…he decided it was too important not to! That’s exactly the way I feel after this week! I’ve talked to literally hundreds of people: older, younger, gay, straight, single parents, families, broken, “successful”, rocker, goth, country, …whatever. Every person had a story to tell and a reason why they desperately needed Jesus and a place where his followers would accept, love, and embrace them like he would if he still walked the earth. That fires me up… and I hope it will you also! I am willing to do whatever necessary to make sure that actionchurch launches successfully and becomes the place where everyone can experience that kind of love and acceptance. It’s not that it would be interesting to start a”hip” new church in York County . It’s not that it would be “novel” or “controversial” to launch a church in a nightclub…It is absolutely clear to me that God has “planned this in advance” and it is essential that a church like actionchurch exist to welcome the thousands of people who will choose to follow Jesus! Damn the Torpedoes…full speed ahead.

Stay tuned for “ground floor”opportunities coming in the next few weeks to be a part of this movement…

Questions??? Comments??? Hatemail???