One part of getting a new Church ready to launch is buying stuff. (Just 320 days until actionchurch launches if you’re counting) I am really jacked up about the vision God has given us even for something as seemingly trivial as purchasing equipment and supplies. We have already begun partnering with two kinds of companies and we will not settle for less. 1. Companies that are also involved in building the kingdom. 2. Companies/individuals we feel compelled to influence by being extremely generous and profitable customers.
Please notice that I did not say God has given us a vision to whine-for-absolutely-the-lowest-prices-because-we-are-a-church-and-then-pay-late-and-ask-for-special-treatment! (I think “cheap” churches are an embarrasment if you couldn’t already tell.) We will strategically “leverage” every purchase, every expense into something that helps spread the good news. We will never use “being a church” as an excuse to be anything less than a great customer. In the future I’ll tell the stories of the great companies we have already partnered with, and how we believe they offer the most “bang for your buck”.
I can attest to this, it is such a privilege to be a part of your vision for action church.
God not only expects, but deserves our very best…church is not the place to take shortcuts and you guys have taken the high road!