What’s your passion?

Like many of my actionchurch friends I am a voracious reader.  Many years ago I volunteered to read at the blind center with grand visions of pouring my heart into some literary classic – bringing it to life for an unfortunate soul who was unable to read the written page.  True story – my assignment was to read the obituaries on the radio.  Seriously.

I still read anything and everything I can get my hands on today.  My bookshelf holds all genres  – from supernatural to cookbooks, from westerns to romances, self-help/spiritual to spy novels….the list goes on and on.

But I’ve discovered something over the last 50 years of having my nose in a novel.  Every book ever written (including the Bible) has one thing in common – PASSION.   The one common denominator – no matter the genre – that every author strives to convey is passion.  Passion is easy to recognize – it is something that we can all identify with. It‘s the common element that makes you want to continue to read.

Questions: When was the last time you were passionate about something? Think about what brings a smile to your face – the kind of smile that reaches your eyes.  What makes your heart race and your blood pound in your veins?  Is there something you can’t stop thinking about day and night?  What creates a hunger that is never satisfied?

Guess what – that’s the gift that God gave you.  It’s the talent that you were created to use.  My prayer for each of you as we go through the Selfie Series is that you find that passion that lives in your heart and that you step out in faith to use your talent for God’s glory.

 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Proverbs 13:12

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