actionchurch Crew Member: The Big Ask List

He just started coming to actionchurch a few weeks ago and he’s taken over in a BIG way. Meet everyone’s newest best friend, at least until Sunday, The Big Ask List!

What do you do here at actionchurch?

  • I challenge actionchurch to take action by giving them something to take action about: An Orphanage in Honduras!

How did you first get involved?

  • An e-mail brought my needs to the attention of Pastor Don and then he sent me over to Kenna Schaller who’s been a huge help in getting others to feed me!

What is your favorite thing about actionchurch?

  • The people have dropped everything and catered their shopping errands around my needs and won’t stop until I have everything!

What do you do outside of actionchurch?

  • When I’m not all over actionchurch announcements, you can find parts of me posted online by my creator, Sarah.

What are your hobbies?

  • Telling people what to do…I’m bossy, in a nice way. I love giving people opportunities to do something BIG for others. Sometimes, I like to sneak up on people and call them into action right on the spot, in awkward places like the Walmart Home Goods section when I point out some good deals on things I need. Normally, people would find my hobbies pestering, but actionchurch seems to love me!

What is the most memorable moment you have of Pastor Don?

  • He truly made my day when he named donation checks and a truck after me. All the things I need get to be put in a Big Ask Truck and some people even pay for the things I need with Big Ask Checks. It’s an honor to be working with such a creative guy!

How has actionchurch changed you?

  • Like many people at actionchurch, I’ve dramatically lost weight in a short amount of time. I keep shrinking and shrinking. Some people joke about me shrinking into absolutely nothing, like they don’t want me to exist anymore. I’ve also heard rumors that my funeral is this Sunday, September 16th. I guess I better start living life to the fullest and fill all my needs ASAP!

Do you have a favorite scripture that you would like to share with the people of actionchurch?

  • 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” (Matthew 5:42 NIV)

I’m sensing that you are a bit needy, especially with your deadline on Sunday, what can we do to help?

  • Yes, I am in NEED! You can help by checking me out here. I’m pretty open and up-to-date about what I need by Sunday. Thank you so much for all your help. I can’t wait to tell Sarah all that you’ve done to take care of me! I’ll bring her by on Sunday, September 30, so you can meet her!

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