Why I love actionchurch…

Here’s a few random shots from Sunday that made me smile. Just a few of the things that make me love being part of actionchurch.   You can check out more (almost 10,000 more!) pics of actionchurch through the years by Garrett Snyder here.



That’s me. Waxing eloquent about a bag of lettuce as I explain how God created us for community from the very beginning…


Here I get to demonstrate my “famous recipe” for making (and eating) a delicious salad in the bag… I love my church. :-)


Check out the awesome rock band, Breezewood.   They sound (and look) fierce on stage Sunday morning at actionchurch!   What’s that behind them?  Hmmm. 


Awww….  It’s the cutest (and most delicious) song background we’ve ever had…two adorable cookies holding hands. :-)   I love my church.


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