Do not miss the final update from Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. This week we’ll be talking about something that EVERYONE struggles with- worry. So, don’t worry about the economy, or the weather, or whether I will sweat so much while preaching that I need to call for a mop during the sermon (sorry, that’s mine)…just get to Frank Theaters on Sunday morning and learn what the Bible has to say about living a worry free life. You will not be sorry.
Our friends from The GO-Around will be back with us. (Listen here) So glad to have them back…and I hope they bring their key-tar again. actionkidz will be starting their new “Dr Tommorow’s Robot Repair Shop” series…so bring the kidz.
The service starts at 10:30 am. Don’t worry about what to wear…just wake up and join us at Frank theaters (Directions) early to enjoy coffee, Maple Donuts, and a chance to hang with actionchurch folks.
Don’t worry about what to wear….but please wear something