Why I don't mow my lawn…


I used to mow my lawn…I worked really hard at it.  I spent hours sweating over it and it looked TERRIBLE.  My neighbor owns a landscaping company and finally convinced me to let him do it.  He even gave me a great price.  (Probably because he was tired of looking out his windows at my crappy lawn next door).  

My father in law was just commenting yesterday on how great our lawn looks “since I stopped mowing it”. :-)   I’m fine with that.  In fact it’s a great reminder to me of all the things that are better in my life since I stopped “mowing” them and let someone with skill and passion for them take over.  Every Sunday at actionchurch I see so many examples of things I used to do (poorly) and now are absolutely mastered by others that have skill and passion for their task!

What are the things that you hate doing…that you can’t seem to get right no matter how much time and effort you put in?  Is it possible that someone else could do it better?  Is there something else you should be doing?  Maybe it’s time to stop “mowing your lawn”…

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