…had a great time being “unplugged” and relaxing with the family. Here’s a few thoughts about the weekend.
I didn’t burst into flames or go through “withdrawals” when I unplugged from the internet, twitter, email, etc. for the weekend. I need to do that more often. (everyone who has emailed me…I’ll catch back up over the next few days. Thanks for your patience :-)
Thank you actionchurch crew for being the best! Can I be honest here…this is the first church that I have EVER worked with that I didn’t have to worry even a little about being gone for the weekend. As a pastor you guys couldn’t give our family a better “gift” than the fact that after only one year we can take a few days off and be assured that things are great at home. (I agree with Josiah that Sunday was a big milestone for actionchurch)
I always notice when I am not at church on Sundays that “most” others aren’t either. I’m not sure if all the churches shut down if it would make a big difference in most people’s Sunday morning. actionchurch, we have got to change that in York County. More people need to know what they are missing!
I did not take Reagan and Michele to the American Girl Museum as “Mr. Details” :-) (we are both so bad about that) Josiah said. We went to a “fancy schmantcy American Girl Fashion Show”. But he was so right about one thing, I held on to Reagans hand for dear life.For some reason being a one of about 3 “dudes” at a little girls fashion show weekend makes you feel like you should be on a “watch list”. Let me just say if you put our family at any “fancy schmantcy” event- hilarity ensues… I had so much fun being with the girls.
Because Jesus loves me, there happend to be a Gun Show in the same convention center…yep I went to a gun show and a fashion show in the same weekend…guess which one I looked less likely to be “profiled” at… :-)
I am pumped to get to speak at actionchurch and kick off the new series this weekend. Having a week off definitely got my creative juices flowing again. I will definitely be bringing guest speakers in from now on every few months because it allows you guys to hear better preachers…and it allows me to be a better preacher by having a break.
As much as I enjoy being off it makes me realize how lucky we are as a family to be part of actionchurch…we love you all!
Americann girl doll museum or a fancy schmantcy american girl doll fashion show, whats the difference? Gotta feel out of place either way. But hats off to you for “manning up” and being a dad.
…lets just say that an event run by a womens “socialite” club in King of Prussia PA in a ballroom gives me even more opportunity to be a big “philistine”. They actually raise a ton of money for childrens charities though…and we had a great time!