I know I brag about these guys all the time but our set-up/production crew is the absolute best at actionchurch on Sunday mornings. I never worry that they won’t show up. I never worry that we won’t get done on time. I never have to worry that they won’t find a solution to any difficulty that pops up. They simply make actionchurch happen each week!
Well, ‘tis the holiday season so we will have 3 guys from the crew out of town this week. Would you like to enter the “glamorous” world of an actionchurch crew member? Would you like to show up at 9am this Sunday and move heavy things…tape stuff to other stuff… and generally turn a club into a church in 90 minutes? Have you dreamed of wearing the uber–cool actionchurch crew lanyard? The benefits are great, crew members get free coffee and donuts…oh wait…everyone gets free coffee and donuts-but crew members get their PICK of the donuts:-) If you can help out this Sunday email me at info@actionchurch.com.