December is going to fly by so I thought I would toss out some of the stuff that we are working on for ’09. I am really truly grateful for what God is doing at actionchurch. I love our people. I love the “can do” attitude of our crew. It is simply ridiculous that we have been blessed so much…so quickly. (See, I’m trying to be grateful for the “now”- people. I’m seriously working on it!)
That being said…Here’s some stuff we are working on for the future :-)
- Church Survey- We’re not a church that “votes” on stuff. We simply put out the direction that the church is going and allow people to “vote” with their feet and their wallets. (If people weren’t voting “yes” for actionchurch with their giving and attendance we would be history by now.) We do; however, value our peoples input. We want to know how we are doing. We want to know what we can improve. Expect a church Survey before our first “birthday” as a church…prepare to sound off. (All comments about my sweater this Sunday will be disregarded)
- A real website! ‘Nuff said! (Thanks Josiah for continuing to find ways to make actionchurch look better…not just on Sunday Morning…but all week long.
- “Universal Texting“- In ’09 Texting questions, comments, etc to the screens will become more of the “normal” thing at actionchurch than a “special” deal. I think the future of the “sermon” at actionchurch is for it to become more of a “discussion” less of a monologue. We will continue to make our Sunday mornings more interactive. The “format” we are planning to use is kind of what you would expect from a “call in show” on TV or radio. The “host” (me) will still ramble on incessantly…the callers (or txters in this case) will be put on the screen if the “Producer” (Josiah) thinks it adds to the conversation. Sometimes there will be lots of txts used…sometimes few or none…but every week the “Lines will be open”. I’m looking forward to this…
- An “alternate economy”- Seeing how the great people of actionchurch responded with such overwhelming generosity to our “Extreme Christmas Makeover” has really confirmed that we need a way for people within actionchurch to communicate and help each other in these difficult times. We are working on ideas both online and off for people to communicate the stuff they “need” whether it be goods or services. Other actionchurch folks could then respond with items or services they have available. Helping hands could be extended…barters made…gifts given. I am convinced that many of the “answers” to our prayers are available now…we just need a better way to make our needs known to our church family.
- ????????? (Who knows)- The truth is that in spite of our best planning and preparation, the best things that will happen in the coming year- are stuff we can’t even imagine yet! We will respond to great ideas from our crew. (NONE of the stuff above came initially from me!) We will respond to “problems” and opportunities (generally the same thing) that arise. Who knew that we would be we would already be in our second venue as a church? I sure didn’t. I am sure as we look back at ’09 we will have the same “surprised” and grateful attitude. One thing that will NOT change in the coming year (or ever) is our relentless, obsessive, desire to introduce “people who don’t like church” to Jesus…and to trust Jesus to guide us on our way…