I don’t often “hype” up what’s happening Sunday on the Blog…but this Sunday is going to be ridiculous…
- The ac alstars are playing which is always cool, but their set includes Clapton, Elvis Costello, George Harrison…and their version of one of my favorite songs…
- We will have an “all new” opening act picked out by our own “Randy, Paula, and Simon” (Be there at 10:30 if you want a shot at opening for the allstars on Rock Band … leather pants???…you’re on!)
- I am really looking forward to talking about how “Everyone is important-No one is the Same” in week two of the Rock Band Series.
- I may (keyword “may”) be able to finally announce the single biggest thing to happen in actionchurch history…
Edit: I WILL be making a “huge” announcement Sunday…the “biggest”!
I’m just sayin‘ -you may not want to miss this week…