Friendship Community Church

File this under “action heroes”! This weekend the girls and I will be spending three services with Friendship Community Church in Dover, PA. I’m gonna be joining in with their worship team (pictured) above and speaking about actionchurch at every service.

Here’s the amazing thing- Pastor Dennis has asked us to set up an actionchurch information table in their lobby until our launch with invitation cards and information so their congregation can invite their friends to actionchurch. Their youth pastor Mike is bringing the youth to help out at our launch also. This church never ceases to amaze me! Pastor Dennis, Rich (worship pastor) and Mike, have blessed me with wisdom and encouragement through out this whole process and now they are literally blowing me away with their support! (I haven’t even mentioned yet that Friendship is also giving us some much needed funds for our launch!)

This church truly lives up to their name…and are truly “action heroes”!

2 thoughts on “Friendship Community Church

  1. Dude, this is INCREDIBLE!!!!! The Lord keeps giving you favor, and I’m so excited for you guys! See, THIS IS HOW IT’S SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!! Friendship will probably EXPLODE because of their willingness to live open-handedly!

    I’ll be sending some more blog readers your way… they need to read this and continue praying for you guys!!!!!

    Love you, man!

  2. Thanks Darren,
    I definitely count you among our “action heroes” for being willing to share your wisdom and friendship with a “long haired preacher type” with way more questions than answers!