I don’t often use this blog to promote fundraisers but this is something I think we should get behind. Here’s the details:
” On Saturday, January 26th at 11:30am we will be holding a luncheon at Outback Steakhouse (2496 E. Market Street, York). Tickets for the luncheon are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 12. You must pre-purchase the tickets to come to the event. You can get your tickets by contacting us at 717-266-2251 or sending an email to xstreamyouth@comcast.net. Checks should be made out to X-Stream Youth Ministry. 100% of the proceeds goes toward X-Stream Youth Ministry! “
X-Stream (link) is a great organization that uses the environment of extreme sports (kayaking, skateboarding, mountain biking, etc) to share Jesus with at risk kids. I have had the privilege of observing Dave ,Alicia and “crew” in action and they are doing a great job of making the teachings on Jesus relevant to kids who would never come to church… I can’t think of a better group for actionchurch to get behind and I think this is a really great opportunity to have a great meal and raise some cash for a great organization! (Outback is donating all the food so all proceeds go to X-stream.) See ya there.