
I parked next to this truck at work last week. I snapped a picture because I thought it might be the only truck in the world that made mine look “newer” and “prettier”. I guess that’s the trouble with comparing…We can compare ourselves or our stuff with others and pretty much justify anything.

It all depends on what you compare yourself to… For example, when Michele “mentions” that I might have failed in some area as a husband or father I like to compare myself to the “Simpsons” (Homer and O.J.). Compared to them I feel pretty good about myself… When I want to justify purchasing something that I probably don’t need I tend to “compare” myself with someone who already has one (or twelve), not with the millions of people that live on less than a dollar a day…

The “trick” is to stop comparing ourselves to others and know that our Creator loves us exactly the way we are…and sees our potential in spite of our “wrecks” and imperfections… even more than I love my old truck.
(Don’t hate it because it’s beautiful…at least to me.)

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