Pimp my tent!

I think Xzibit would be proud! I managed to install directional lighting and a 32 inch LCD monitor in our tent for the fair. While we are handing out free Dunkin Donuts Coffee, Balloons, and a info-card…our monitor can be “introducing” passers by to actionchurch, and “inviting” them over to our tent.

Is it “over the top” for our tiny church “fetus” to put on this kind of display for our community? I sure hope so! My dream is that actionchurch will always be “over the top” when it comes to being generous with our neighbors, and sharing the Good News in the most attractive way possible. I want people to be constantly surprised at the lengths we will go to make an impact on our world. At this point we “stretch” our very limited resources by being creative and innovative. Someday, if we are faithful in the “small things” God will reward us with many resources to “unleash” with creativity and innovation on our “unsuspecting” county! If we want to connect with people who normally don’t go to church, we have to go where churches normally don’t go. If we want to change the way people think about churches (and by extension, Jesus) we need to behave in ways other churches don’t behave!

2 thoughts on “Pimp my tent!

  1. Way to go Don! The set up looks awesome. Makes me want to come to the York Fair just to see it in person…wow!

  2. Thanks Mike! I want us to always make the most of what God gives us… Right now that’s a tent…so we’re gonna make it as “unignorable” as possible!