Enjoyed and awesome day one of “Buzz”. As is “usual” (for every event NCC puts on) their people are helpful and friendly and their attention to detail and “packaging” are impeccable.
Here’s the Highlights:
- Awesome “spy kit” conference swag…It did make me smile when all you heard at first during the opening session was the sound of the “kits” being opened and unwrapped…unintended consequences.
- NCC band…They keep sounding better every time I hear them.
- Mark Batterson…unique twist-always makes me think.
- Tim Stevens…awesome, the fastest passing hour I have experienced in a conference-ever.
- Craig Groeschel…I’m really looking forward to hearing more from him tomorrow.
- Sweet new leather reclining seats…seriously…I want some for my office…If the speakers hadn’t have been so good I would have definitely snoozed.
- Hanging out with Rye and the crew from Fusion….they are launching the same day we are in Pittsburg…and they’re from Missouri. I had a blast getting to know them.
- If your interested in any of the notes from the session check out Ben Arments blog…seriously dude, how do you type so fast…reading it is like being there. (I ran into Ben in the parking lot coming in…luckily not with my car)