Set Your clocks for Sunday…


Coming this Sunday…

1. Set your clocks BACK one hour Saturday night.  Yes, this week you can trick or treat as long as you like and still get one more blessed  hour of sleep before actionchurch! 

2.   Failure to Excel on Stage.   If you’ve seen them…I’ve already said enough.  If not, like I said before, set your hello kitty alarm clocks for Sunday morning.

3.  Really God, Really!?!   Sunday kicks off the new series about trusting God…even when it seems dangerous, insane, or fattening.  Have you ever questioned whether following the God of the Bible “makes sense”?  You are not alone…

4.  Take action!  This Sunday we will be unveiling our Holiday project to meet an overwhelming need in our city.  Last year we worked together to change the lives of one family forever.   This year we continue our “long standing tradition” :-) of giving the gifts to OTHERS  during the holidays at actionchurch.

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