Txt Tuesday


 To all of you who sent something complimentary  about actionchurch or the sermon we really appreciate it…but I thought there was only one msg that needed response today…

Txt:  (in response to “why” Jesus brought his three friends up the mountain to see his “business meeting” at the transfiguration)   Maybe Jesus brought them us the mountain to show them just  how powerful he was so that they would be able to preach from knowledge and experience…

Don:  I understand this txt came in just as I was wrapping up…but whoever you are I think you are exactly right.  I absolutely believe that the “point” of following Jesus is not to (as Peter suggested) stay on the top of the mountain …but to follow Jesus down the mountain to where the “large crowds” of people needing help, healing, and teaching await!  That’s why we do actionchurch.  However, I think you have a really great insight into why it is important to experience those “spiritually explosive” moments…when we see and experience the power of Jesus…when we “hear” God speak…when we see miracles that we can never “explain away”- it certainly does give us confidence in the power of God so we can passionately share that with others.   Great insight- thank you “anonymous txter person”…you “brought it” on Sunday!

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