It’s no secret around here that I have big hopes and dreams for what God can do in York County. One thing that I really haven’t even dared to hope for was any kind of encouragement and support from other churches in the area… Once again I was wrong.
I met yesterday with the staff of Friendship Community Church in Dover. I love when a church “lives up to their name” (ex. actionchurch) and these guys truly do! Their Pastor, Dennis Hall planted the church 15 years ago, and their worship pastor Rich Thornton and family pastor Mike Miller both have church planting experience also. It was so encouraging to see their new building, hear their plans for the future, and the stories from the past of how their church grew for 12 years in the local YMCA. Very inspiring! I have and will learn a lot from these guys.
I actually met Pastor Dennis and Rich in Washington DC, at Buzz conference… I definitely do not think that was an “accident” . So thanks so much guys a great lunch and “showing yourselves friendly”. Thanks God for amazing me once again with another “feat of unlimitedness“. Sorry Verizon I love my “chocolate” phone …but God has you beat in that area!