Without turning this completely into a “racing blog”, I do want to give a quick update on what is happening with “team actionchurch“.
- We went to the race on the 3rd and had a lot of fun. There were lots more families there than I imagined. I see a lot of potential to connect with our community at the track.
- We heard from the Track owner through our driver…we will be able to have a hospitality tent at the track as long as we don’t give away something they sell at the concession stand. We are very OK with that! We’re thinking of giving away actionchurch balloons for the kids, stickers, and a food item yet to be named. Stay tuned.
- Our next races on the schedule are both Sunday night races. August 5th and 19th. One of those dates will be when we set up the “big black tent”… I’ll let you know when the date is confirmed.
- Thanks for all your prayers and emails. I had a really enjoyable talk with Eyana McMillan from the York Dispatch… I’ll keep you posted on when the story will hit the paper.