Imagine for a moment that Church is like a Bus Route. The Bus owner (God) gives a destination (vision ) to the Bus Driver (Church leadership). In theory anyway, a competent bus driver would post his destination on the front of the bus, choose the best “route” they could find to the destination, and try to “pick up” as many travelers as possible each day.
actionchurch has been given a clear destination. Our vision is to “pick up” people who are far away from God and take them to a place where their actions demonstrate they are truly a life changed by Jesus Christ.
Let me to tell you a little about our new bus…
We are not the only bus in town who belongs to “the owner”. Everyone is welcome on our bus, but not everyone will want to ride with us. (Some people might even throw rocks at us.) There are plenty of travelers who will come aboard if we invite and welcome them. We did not chose our destination and we will not change it. In order to serve people who do not normally get on a bus, we will have to go on a route where buses don’t normally go! We will help those in need along the way, even if they never ride our bus. We will not take pointless traditional “side trips” to try to get more people on our bus. We will not ask the riders to vote on our destination or route. We will be clear about our destination-even if it means some people choose not to get on our bus. We will not settle for driving around in circles with a few dozen of our closest friends because “everybody knows everyone, and we have such great fellowship.” We will not stop the bus so we can spend time “going deep” into map and bus route study. . . Some people will want off the bus- we will graciously open the door. (We’re not the only bus in town, remember?) We will also politely “point to the door” to those who want to ride our bus yet try to change our destination or “make us more like the bus they used to ride”- we will need their seats. We will remember that driving this amazing bus does not make us more important, just more responsible.
‘Sound Like the ride you’ve be looking for? Get in. Hold on. Lets Roll!